Standard Economics Teacher Resources
My standard teacher resources are awesome! They include PowerPoints, activities, teaching tips, over 260 multiple-choice questions, and more. Divided into five units, these resources cover everything you need to teach standard economics. This product is a digital download and inlcudes my Skill-Building Boot Camp.
Unit 1: Basic Economic Concepts
Unit 3: Labor Markets and Personal Finance
*Note* These resources do NOT include worksheets or Nearpod lessons. These products are sold separately.
Payment Options
- Pay now and receive an email with the download link.
- To pay by school purchase order, send and email to (I'll give you the resources ASAP so you don't have to wait).
Receiving Your Digital Resources
All resources are digital. There is no shipping. After you compelte your payment, you will automatically be sent a download link with your resources. If you send a purchase orders, I will send you a download link via e-mail.
Refund Policy
I offer a 100% money back guarantee. If you don't like the resources, I will send you a full refund.